The Ponys

By • Jan 1st, 2007 • Category: Band Bios

The Ponys have always sounded weary beyond the young band’s years. Even on their 2004 debut, the Chicago foursome teetered between faux garage and nuevo romanticism with the flawless caution of seasoned vets. The hesitation and careful execution was surely in part because each member had, in fact, spent a significant amount of time mulling around the Windy City scene. And after years of each being the “next big thing”, the former members of Guilty Pleasures, Mushuganas and Happy Supply aren’t naïve enough to buy into all the praise – even if they deserve it. Regardless, the quartet (which now includes former 90 Day Men member Brian Case on guitar) continues to ride its maturity, not to mention its piercing guitars, to the cusp of perfection. They recently signed to Matador Records and will be releasing a new album, Turn the Lights Out, in late March.

Chicago Innerview Magazine, January 2007

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