
By • Jun 1st, 2008 • Category: Band Bios

There’s always been a confusing obscurity about Maritime. In circles of record store employees discussing the golden age of college radio over late-night coffee breaks, the Milwaukee-based ensemble still sparks the same “oh yeah” sentiment of bands that have been forgotten until their song comes up during the iTunes shuffle. By the group’s nature, they should be a natural afterthought to genre forefathers The Promise Ring and The Dismemberment Plan. And in an indie-centric age, Maritime should be a natural Converse All-Stars-clad step from talks about the brilliance of Very Emergency! and Emergency & I. But they aren’t — now five years into a career that has only gotten better with each of their three LPs. But even with a line-up that once shared members with D-Plan, former Ring leader Davey von Bohlen’s unmistakable lisp has failed to draw the same number of guitar pop-starved hipsters that he and his bandmates used to…and should still be.

Chicago Innerview Magazine, June 2008

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