
By • Sep 1st, 2008 • Category: Band Bios

There’s a built-in audience for pop punk, which is both the genre’s biggest asset and its biggest obstacle. There always will be angry teenagers, and a fresh crop of them turn over every few years — discovering power chords, hating curfew, having their hearts broken for the first time, and ultimately being the types of pissed-off kids that the music was created for. But having this revolving listenership can also serve as a crutch and prevent bands from branching too far away from that tried-and-true formula, ultimately fueling the ever-present criticism that punk lacks variety. For almost 20 years, Southern California’s Lagwagon has reaped the benefits of their catchy tunes en route to becoming one of Fat Wreck Chords’ longest-running acts. The title of their new EP (and 12th release on the label), I Think My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon, shows that the band is quite aware of this phenomenon as well as their place in the rock lexicon. And they don’t seem to give a shit. How punk.

Chicago Innerview Magazine, September 2008

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