Kid Dakota, ‘A Winners Shadow’
By user • Apr 14th, 2008 • Category: Album ReviewsMaking a mark using homespun, lo-fi production can be dangerous territory, as there needs to be a balance between message and medium for the striped-down aesthetic to work. Sound too gritty, too murky, and the fidelity can outweigh the structure. But be too pristine, too glossy, and loose the heart that sounds so good worn on a sleeve. It’s a risky business this DIY music-making. Luckily, Darren Jackson has just the sort of credentials to pull it off. As Kid Dakota, his message always has come in the form of occasionally poppy but oft-haunting ditties. But his alternate life running his own studio has given him the tools and experience manning the board to get his songs to teeter perfectly on just-crisp-enough production that allow “A Winners Shadow” to shine the way his back catalog always hinted that it could.
Soundcheck Magazine, April 2008

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