By user • Aug 12th, 2009 • Category: PodcastsGet out your dancing shoes, and you might as well put them on, too. On this unintentionally club-centric episode, Derek Wright reviews six albums that are better served to keep you bobbing your head and wiggling your hips, than throwing a rock ‘n’ roll fist in the air. There’s also another installment of “Lyrical Life Lessons”, which takes a look at hygiene’s part in true romance.
Length: 1:06:30
New albums reviewed:
Discovery , “LP”
Datarock, “Red”
YACHT, “See Mystery Lights”
The Penelope[s], “Priceless Concrete Echoes”
K’Naan, “Troubadour”
Amanda Blank, “I Love You”
Lyrical Life Lesson:
Missy Elliott, “Work It”
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